Chest pain or chest tightness (Chest pain lasting longer than 20 minutes or that is associated with sweating, shortness of breath or radiation to another part of the body e.g. arm, is to be considered a ‘heart attack’ until proven otherwise, regardless of the age of the patient).
Severe pain for any reason Pain in pregnancy Any sudden, severe pain, especially in the abdomen or the back Severe testicular pain Abdominal Pain - if the abdominal pain is so severe that it changes the patient's posture i.e. they must walk bent over or lie with their knees drawn to their chest; this is highly suggestive of referral directly to an Emergency Department. Back Pain - associated with an accident (e.g. fall, MVA, lifting) provided the patient has no loss of feeling or function in a limb and no loss of bladder or bowel control. |
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